aurora the siberian husky


 When people join forces, they are able to accomplish more. In the passion-driven animal rescue and shelter world, each day can feel like a rollercoaster; some days might bottom out emotionally while others can feel weightless. The hard work invested feels thankless, since the animals saved could never entirely understand or appreciate the effort it takes to rescue them. The ones that couldn’t be saved will always be there, constantly forcing the question: could more have been done to save them?

Despite human differences, those that share a passion for the animal rescue and shelter community find common ground in the hard, compassionate work that is animal rescue. The Aurora Network is dedicated to bringing animal rescues, shelters, and welfare advocates together under one united voice and vision, actively working together to save lives.



 The resources available to rescue and shelter organizations, such as supplies, facilities, training, staff, and volunteers, always seem to be scarce. A key focus of the Aurora Network requires these resources to pursue their mission of working together. These resources are essential in order to enhance the experience, capabilities, and tools of rescue and shelter staff and volunteers.

We believe that, individually, we are facing a battle in which we will always fall short, but together we have the power to achieve victory for all the animals in need. The Aurora Network looks to open lines of communication, build bridges, and ensure that, together, we achieve the greatest good.

husky dog


 The use of technology is critical to the animal rescue and shelter world in order to help as many animals as possible. The Aurora Network is teaming up with the best minds in the tech world to develop systems that create efficient and effective methods in how organizations share information, work together, and, ultimately, save lives.